So today was a beautiful day, and although I had to work, I really enjoyed it.. So this is my look for today, and OMG! guys why did they open a Sephoria directly across the street from my house OMG, OMG the only bad thing is that it's located inside of JCPenny and it doesn't carry NARS, or MUF... so that was wack of them...I'm still trying to figure out what was the purpose f putting a Sephoria there then. HUMMMM! I guess the only good thing is that I can always go get smashbox, UD and everything else that they carry, EXCEPT my MUF, and NARS... that really sucks.. lol

Hey SIS I finally had some time to check out the blog. Love the look BTW:) We need to do something like the 10 must haves for Spring 09.